Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Everything Happens For A Reason

Life Quote: "Everything happens for a reason."

Everything happens for a reason, what’s supposed to happen will happen… if things don’t go your way, it can be stressful, painful, and hard, but you don’t always have to be in control. It’s all just a part of the grand scheme of things. Don’t let your emotions cloud your vision. Don’t ever fail to see the bigger picture. You may not understand why things are happening the way they are, but soon enough you’ll know.

No matter what your problem is, big or small, it usually entails a portion of your heart getting broken. Sometimes, it’s only a bruise, sometimes it feels like it’s shattered into a million pieces. When dealing with a broken heart, it can be devastating and utterly painful, but sometimes it is just God’s way of calling you back to him, to make you grow as a person, or maybe you have to experience that to pave the way for something much better.

When overcome with hurt and confusion, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. You tend to focus on the present, and feel the enormity of your problem, you feel like you’ve got the biggest problem in the world, and you feel alone and don’t know what to do. And most often than not, you feel the tendency to take matters into your own hands. You tend to do things and you do everything you can to control the situation. And then when things don’t go according to what you planned, you’ll get frustrated and bitter. You don’t realize, that no matter how you try to control things your way, if it’s not meant to be, it’s not going to happen. Everything happens for a reason. If you refuse to accept it and force it, you’re only prolonging the inevitable. You’ll only delay God’s true plan for you… He has a plan for you if only you learn to be open and let go of the things that he wants you to let go of. So, stop manipulating things. A solution that is manipulated will not bring real happiness.

Problems will always be a part of life, and at times when you’re down, when you’re at your lowest point, talk to God. If you ask sincerely, he will enlighten you, clear your confusion, ease your pain, calm your fears, and heal your heart. It’s not going to provide you an instant solution to your problem, but God works in mysterious ways, and as long as you walk with Him, and just trust and believe, the sooner you’ll get to that place where you’ll see everything clearly, and you’ll finally begin to understand. Everything happens for a reason. You may not understand the reason now, but you will when the time is right.

Long Distance Relationship Quote

Life Quote: "What I have with him is worth it. It is worth every lonely night, every tear I cry from missing him, and the pain I feel from not having him close. It is worth it because he is my one and only. When I picture myself years from now, I see only him. No matter how painful distance can be, not having him in my life would be worse."

This life quote is a classic example of what people involved in long distance relationships have to go through each and every single day without their loved ones by their side. The passage is beautiful, and heartfelt, and it really speaks of sadness, and longing… of enduring love.

There are those people who CHOOSE to endure the pain, because they know in their hearts that it’s really worth it. There are a lot of reasons why there are so many long distance relationships in the world. Most common reason I think is WORK. One partner has to go away to work and the other’s left behind. Another issue is, GEOGRAPHY. You meet someone who lives far far away and is geographically undesirable but you feel something special for him, and you just can’t let it pass.

I think regardless of the reason, the hard earned fact still remains. Long distance relationships are ridiculously painful! Especially if you’re both really in love with each other, and it’s a really serious relationship (not just some superficial fling). We’re talking about real, deep, profound kind of love. When the absence of your loved one, is really killing you, tearing your heart apart. And just when you’re almost ready to give up… you realize… you really really love him. And you want to be with him so much, you realize you’re willing to wait. And hang on to a hope, that someday, you’ll be together again.

On the other hand, there are also lots of people who don’t really mind having long distance relationships. Of course, we are all different when it comes to love, right? For those who are involved in a long distance relationship, really look into your heart, remember the above life quote and ask yourself, “Is this worth it?” Then let the answer to that question guide you to what you should do next.